penis enlargement

penis enlargement methods

Enlargement (lengthening, thickening) of the penis (penis)- execution of various andrological operations (ligamentotomy), minimally invasive procedures (by punctures) for the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into soft tissues, fillers, with the help of which the elongation and / or thickening of the male penis.

Dissatisfaction with the size of the penis can cause complexes, lack of confidence in one's sexual abilities and, as a result, tension in relations with a partner. All this significantly reduces the quality of sexual life, introduces disharmony in intimate relationships and can also cause stress and neurosis, up to psychological impotence.

Thus, the subjective evaluation of one's penis becomes the cause of a significant decrease in the quality of life, and insufficient length and volume of the penis is not only a sexual problem, but also a medical one.

Contraindications for penis enlargement (lengthening):

  • decompensated diabetes mellitus,
  • blood clotting disorder,
  • Venereal illnesses,
  • acute inflammatory processes of the urogenital area (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis),
  • oncological diseases,
  • mental disorders,
  • genital herpes,
  • the presence of wounds or ulcers on the penis.


Penis lengthening by ligamentotomy is an established procedure for increasing the overall length of the penis.

Indications for this procedure will be insufficient penis size, the patient's subjective assessment of insufficient length, penis thickness at rest or in erection. The patient's subjective desire for aesthetic correction of the penis is a change in appearance, an increase in the overall length of the external penis.

The ligamentotomy operation involves the intersection, transposition and lengthening of the ligament that suspends and fixes the penis to the pubic and pubic bone. This operation makes it possible to bring out the hidden part of the penis shaft, thus increasing the length of the penis by an average of 2. 5-3. 5 cm.

The use of skin plastic methods, penis extrusion, the use of an extender during the rehabilitation period allows you to increase the effectiveness of this procedure and achieve results of up to 4-5 cm of penis lengthening.

Procedure time:60-90 minutes;

Primary rehabilitation:10-14 days without sexual activity;

General rehabilitation with the use and use of the extender:up to 6 months;

Ache:Absent or weak

Price:determined at the initial consultation and depends on the volume of the drug administered;

The course of the procedure

This operation is performed on an outpatient basis, in the operating room under local conduction anesthesia, drugs that allow you to create an analgesic effect within 6-7 hours.

Surgical access for ligamentotomy in our clinic is performed according to all three known main methods (penis - at the base of the penis, lateral scrotum-full or median scrotal). The skin incision is performed using a radio wave scalpel, while the wound is sutured with a skin-plastic technique using resorbable suture materials for maximum aesthetic effect, which avoids the formation of noticeable scars.

Contraindicationsmethods of ligamentotomy for penis enlargement are chronic somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation, an active inflammatory process, mental illness, pelvic trauma and coagulopathy.


Penis diameter enlargement with a hyaluronic acid filler is performed to increase the volume or eliminate birth defects of the penis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Problems of the anatomical structure of the penis shaft;
  • Penile body dystrophy;
  • aesthetic problems;
  • Lack of circumference of the shaft of the penis

On the procedure

With the purpose ofto eliminate congenital anomalies in the development and involution of the tissues of the penis body, a filler based on hyaluronic acid gel is introduced into the body under local anesthesia with distribution over the entire area of the penis body.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes less than 1. 5 hours.

You can see the result immediately after the procedure, but it is finalized in about a month..

Important:After the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity for up to 20 days and for up to 30 days from sports.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 1-2 years

The hyaluronic acid preparation used by the andrologists of our clinic is certified for use in the intimate area.

Plasmolifting and PRP-therapy


Plasmoliftingis a modern direction of regenerative medicine aimed at non-surgical treatment of various diseases of a urological and gynecological nature. Own plasma therapy exploits the self-healing function of the human body with the help of blood plasma enriched with platelets.

The platelet-rich plasma treatment method is based on the ability to stimulate and accelerate the repair process of damaged tissues thanks to increased cell regeneration. This direction is successfully used in various fields of medicine: orthopedics, gynecology, surgery, urology.

In recent decades, medicine has paid more attention to the quality of life of patients, sexual disorders. The taboo nature of these conditions has led to the fact that patients often do not turn to doctors with these ailments, considering them only signs of aging.

PRP therapy

PRP therapy(Platelet Rich Plasma) - a technology for introducing the patient's platelet-enriched plasma.

During PRP therapy, foreign substances do not enter the body, because Platelet-rich plasma consists entirely of the components of the patient's blood. This authenticity excludes allergic reactions and guarantees good tolerability and safety of the therapy. The introduction of plasma into the tissues restores the tone and turgor of the tissues of the urogenital region, relieves inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system. The procedure is also indicated for prolonged and chronic inflammatory diseases.

PRP therapy is the latest technique that uses the regenerative potential of a person's own blood, boosted tenfold! During the PRP procedure for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, in the first stage, 15-20 ml of blood is taken from the patient, which is placed in a special container and processed according to a special technique. The plasma obtained from the patient's blood is injected into the penis and perineum. The growth factors contained in the plasma trigger an intensive restoration of the vascular endothelium, block inflammatory processes and stimulate the growth of new vessels.